A. W. Tozer called these sermons the most important he ever preached. Looking closely at Philippians 3, he describes the Christian as a modern-day Lazarus who hears the call to arise—but can't escape the grave clothes. In this new series of sermon transcriptions, Tozer shows us how to live with freedom.
Toward a Deeper Faith gives us Tozer’s sermons on:
- Considering Perfection in the Christian Life
- Four Kinds of Christians
- Discovering the Loveliness of Jesus Christ
- The Will of God and Its Relationship to Our Cross
- The Obstacle of Self Trust
- Living in His Righteousness . . . and more.
We are heirs to the King, and Tozer wants us to reclaim our heritage. Return again and again to Tozer’s twelve sermons that will bring you into a deeper life of love and maturity in Jesus Christ.